

Apa arti Arsitektur Bisnis bagi organisasi Anda? Bagaimana Anda mengaktifkannya untuk menciptakan nilai bagi organisasi? Bagian apa yang perlu ada untuk memastikan keberhasilannya? Keterampilan dan teknik apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menemani upaya BA yang sukses? Model bisnis organisasi, tujuan, struktur organisasi, dan kendala lainnya perlu dipertimbangkan ketika melihat bagaimana arsitektur bisnis dapat menjadi nilai tambah, disiplin yang berfokus pada bisnis dalam organisasi.

Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Business Process Architechture Course Outline ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.


Dengan mengikuti pelatihan Business Process Architechture Course Outline Peserta dapat berbagi pengetahuan / sharing knowledge mengenai Business Process Architechture Course Outline dengan peserta dari perusahaan lain yang bergerak di bidang Business Process Architechture Course Outline

MATERI pelatihan Garis Besar Kursus Arsitektur Proses Bisnis online Zoom

What is Enterprise/Information Technology Architecture (EA)?

* EA/ IT Architechture Definition

* The Enterprise/ Information Technology Architecture Domain

* EA Vision and Benefits

* EA Segments

* EA Frameworks and Selection Principles

* EA Interfaces

* EA Governance

* EA Products

* EA Implementation Strategy

* EA Domains

* Business drivers for Enterprise Architecture

* Key Issues for EA

* EA implementation essentials

· Strategies, architectures, models, skills, approaches and tools

· Developing and managing an EA

· EA Budget Allocation and Roles

· EA Performance Measurement

· EA Budget / Performance Integration

· Component-Based Architectures

· Enterprise Architecture (EA) Choices

· TOGAF, Zachman Framework (ZF) and RUP/EUP, Spewak’s EAP, DoDAF,


* Current State and Future Directions of the IT Industry

* The IT Challenge

* Alignment of IT to Business

* Rols of EA

* IT Strategic Planning

* IT Program and Portfolio Management

* IT Development vs. Operations



* IT Governance

* Regulatory and Compliance (SOX)



* IT Infrastructure Architecture Domains

* Integrated Architecture Framework

* Architecture and Architecture Framework Defined

* Trends in IT

* Social Networking

* Web 2.0/Mashups/Wiki/Widgetization

* Enterprise 2.0

* Virtualization


* Green Computing

EA Components

* Application and Technology Architecture

* Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Views

* Application Architecture

* Application Patterns

* Technology Architecture

* Technology Patterns

* Business Architecture

* Information Architecture

* Data Architecture

* Systems Architecture

* Systems Management

* Privacy

* Security and Directory

* Capacity Planning

* Disaster Recovery

* Computer Architecture

* The Business Architecture

* Access Architecture

* Integration Architecture

* Network Architecture

* Platform Architecture

EA Implementation Plan Examples

* EA Planning, Acquisition and Requirements Generation

* Strategies for EA Management

* Implementing EA Strategies

* Integration of EA, Security, and Capital Planning Processes

* Building Support for EA Across Independent Organizations

* Using the EA to Assess and Improve Performance

* Using the EA to Make Intelligent Management Decisions

* Tactical Issues for Applying EA Investments

* Designing an EA for Business Value and Relevance

* The Change Management Challenge of Implementing a Successful EA


* Lessons Learned from EA Implementations

* Architecture and Transformation

* Essential Elements for Creating a Usable Enterprise Architecture

A Comparison of the Top Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies

* Using the Enterprise Architecture to Quantify the Benefits of IT


* The Zachman Framework (ZF) for Enterprise Architecture

* Using the Zachman Framework to Integrate Security and EA

* Enterprise knowledge artifacts

* Extended framework

* Rules of the Framework

* The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)

+ Architecture Development Method (ADM)

+ Enterprise Continuum

* Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF)

* The Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Enterprise Unified Process


* Spewak’s EAP

* Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) v1.5 and v2

+ All View (AV)

+ Operational View (OV)

+ Systems View (SV)

+ Technical Standards View (TV)

+ DoDAF v2 Views and DoDAF Metamodel

* Nato Architecture Framework (NAF)

* The UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF)

+ Strategic goals of the enterprise, and the people, processes

and systems

* AGATE, A framework by French government agency-Délégation Générale

pour l’Armement (DGA)

+ AGATE (Atelier de Gestion de l’ArchiTEcture des systèmes

d’information et de communication)

+ Stakes, Objectives, and context about the system

* Business architecture: describes organizations and Business


* Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

* Logical architecture of the system

* Physical architecture of the systems

* Hardware and software products used in the architecture

* EAI, BPM, SOA, and Web Services to Support Your Enterprise


Case Studies

* The Governance Enterprise Architecture (GEA)

* Definition and Motivation

* GEA models

* GEA Implementation directions

* e-Government development

* Establishment of appropriate EA governance processes

* EA Governance and EA Program Management

* EA Change Management and EA Deployment

* Usage milestones map to the enterprise assessment Criteria

* Cost Savings and Cost Avoidance

* Transition Strategy Performance

* Measuring EA Program Value

* Development and execution of EA value measurement plan to

demonstrate the value of enterprise architecture (EA) in achieving

enterprise objectives

* Implementing an Enterprise Architecture Program

Enterprise Architecture (EA) Exercises

* EA Selection Principles

* EA Implementation Templates

* EA Implementation Checklist

* EA Gap Analysis

* EA Case Studies

Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Business Process Architechture Course Outline

METODE pelatihan Developing and managing an EA online Zoom

Metode Training Business Process Architechture Course Outline dapat menggunakan fasilitas training zoom atau training online, dan bisa juga training offline atau training tatap muka.

INSTRUKTUR pelatihan Component-Based Architectures online Zoom

Instruktur yang mengajar pelatihan Business Process Architechture Course Outline ini adalah instruktur yang berkompeten di bidang Business Process Architechture Course Outline baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.


Peserta yang dapat mengikuti training Business Process Architechture Course Outline ini adalah staff sdm atau karyawan yang ingin mendalami bidang Business Process Architechture Course Outline .

Karena kompleksnya pelatihan ini, maka dibutuhkan pendalaman yang lebih komprehensif melalui sebuah training. Dan menjadi sebuah kebutuhan akan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.

Jadwal Training Akuntansi Manajemen Untuk Oil And Gas Company Jogja Media Training 2023 :

Batch 1 : 24 – 26 Januari 2023

Batch 2 : 20 – 23 Maret 2023

Batch 3 : 15 – 17 Mei 2023

Batch 4 : 17 – 19 Juli 2023

Batch 5 : 25 – 27 September 2023

Batch 6 : 7 – 9 November 2023

Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta

Lokasi Pelatihan :

· Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Malioboro

· Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean

· Bandung, Hotel Golden Flower

· Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta

· Online dan Daring, Zoom, Google Meets, Teamlink

Investasi Pelatihan Akuntansi Manajemen Untuk Oil And Gas Company Tahun 2021 ini :

· Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.

· Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Training :

1. FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)

2. Module / Handout

3. FREE Flashdisk

4. Sertifikat

5. FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)

6. Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)

7. 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner

8. FREE Souvenir Exclusive

9. Training room full AC and Multimedia

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